How to Build the Right Team for a Hybrid Event

Hybrid events, those created by bringing together a host of traditional and digital techniques, are rising. But for organizations taking the plunge into a hybrid for the first time, putting together a team of experts can seem overwhelming.

While planning a hybrid event, questions generally come to mind – whether you need two separate teams? Should you be contracting specialists? And what skills and roles does one require to build the right team? Hybrid events are becoming more popular, but with different digital and physical requirements, putting together the team can be confusing.

If you’re about to run a hybrid event, here’s what you need to know about building the right team for your event. These are the points that Almond Virtex follows while planning any hybrid events.

Event Organizer

If you’re planning a hybrid event, you should know the right kind of team to build. This doesn’t mean you need a large team for your hybrid event. But it does mean that you need a director/ organizer who has the overall responsibility and the power to get things done.

The Hybrid Event Director should possess strong communication skills, the ability to collaborate with other departments, and a commitment to planning sessions that bring in the most revenue.


Once the programme is finalized, it’s time to sort the logistics. Getting the logistics right for your hybrid event is integral to your overall success. While the accentuation might appear on the in-person side of things, it’s vital that no logistics are missed about the virtual part.

Once the event is finalized, all logistical details must be carefully planned. All aspects of your hybrid event need to be considered so that your virtual component has all its logistical bases covered.

Camera and Sound Operators

Most people prefer to attend in-person events, but with online attendance growing (nearly 70% of events organizers find it’s more challenging to keep attendees engaged during event sessions), you need to make an effort to engage everyone — whether they’re in-person or not.

Choose the right hybrid event platform that provides different tools and features to make your event engaging and interactive.

Sponsorship & Exhibitors

Sponsorship and exhibitors are two of the most crucial aspects of a conference. Therefore, one team should be assigned for your sponsorship and exhibitor’s work. Who can spend time getting sponsors on board for either the virtual or in-person event? They would also be able to work autonomously, thus freeing up some of your time and giving you room to work in other areas of the event.

Marketing & social media

Social media campaigns need to be planned from the start of the event and cannot be an afterthought. However, you should note that many people will attend the event virtually through live cast streaming.

As such, you should plan your social media campaign to cover the whole event and the needs of both in-person and virtual attendees. It’s a good idea to create a set of planning documents to be used as part of your overall marketing campaign.

Data Analysis & Insights

Data is collected when someone registers, signs up for a session or participates in a poll. Data is a currency that seems valuable to many organizations out there, and this is why they want to collect it first and then try and use it. They want to look at what they have, discover insights and trends, and then intelligently use this information. If you want to get the most out of your data at an event, you must analyze it correctly, read between the lines, and make recommendations based on that.

You can also go through the Hybrid Event FAQs to get a better idea of hybrid events and how they need to be planned, and what all areas need to be focused on.

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