How to Write an Email Invitation to Attract Hundreds of Attendees to Your Event

So, you’ve worked hard and put together an unbelievable event. And whether it is hybrid, virtual, or in-person the next step is to bring in people. That’s who your event is for, isn’t it?

Out of the many ways to invite attendees, email still remains the most popular. In fact, most virtual event companies will vouch for its popularity. But why?

  • Emails can be tracked and you can use these insights into designing better email campaigns for the future.
  • People still check their emails a lot. And if you’re a top brand, chances are that you have an excellent email open rate of above 30 percent.
  • Emails are very conversational and personalizable. They give your audience the feeling that you are talking to them. And now that virtual events aren’t limited to COVID times, nobody minds a conversation.

Components of your email

Now that you know why email, it is important to know the crucial components of an email that can help you push your click and open rates higher.

  • It may seem laughable, but the sender’s address plays a big role in the click rates of emails. Nobody wants to open an email that comes from a generic email address. Try to personalize it with your event’s name.
  • Nearly 5 in 10 readers will decide whether to open an email based on its subject line. So, invest in a short, compelling subject line that plays into the reader’s mind. For instance, “Grow Your Business 5X by 2023 at {event name}”
  • Remember, a personalized greeting can go a long way. Use tracking metrics to design a cute introduction for a few of your clients. Everybody loves emails that are special. Most good virtual event platforms such as Almond Virtex, Eventcube, Airmeet, Hubilo provide integration with your email marketing software to make this simpler.
  • Use different emails for different lists. Again dig into your analytics to see who’s done what in the past. Find email lists of people who have an interest in your industry and read blogs/articles about it. Send them industry-specific emails that you know will get their attention.
  • The body of your email should be short and include information about your event in an organized manner.
  • The value of a good email signature is quite underestimated. Make use of titles, awards that your company may have won, etc.

Here are a few other things to keep in mind when designing your invitation for events online.

1. Tell them why they should come to your event

People respond better to ‘why’. So, give them a list of benefits. It could be rewards, discounts, or better business growth- list it all out.

2. Don’t forget your call-to-action (CTA)

Every reader will need to interact with your email in some way. Is it buying a ticket, an RSVP, or going to the landing page to register? Make it clear and use a button that stands out.

3. Make it visually appealing

We love visuals. So, include graphics and visual aids wherever you can. Pictures, graphs, banners, timelines, embedded video clips- the list goes on.

4. Keep it simple

Nobody has the time to read verbose emails. So, keep your content to the point and instead present it in a visually appealing way. That way, even if you are saying a lot, you have the advantage of using a visual aid.

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