Build a More Diverse and Inclusive Candidate Experience with Virtual Recruiting

As competition for top talent becomes more intense, employers invest more time and money in the candidate’s experience. That’s because organizations that successfully create a great candidate experience will become standouts in today’s highly competitive market.

Virtual recruiting can play an increasingly important role in creating a great candidate experience as many participants are looking for more than just ‘just another job’; they want to learn more about the organization and be able to talk honestly with recruiters about the current state of their careers and the challenges they will face in each job.

Host virtual career fairs adding tools like Gamification in Virtual Event Platforms so that participants can connect with the content and become engaged. But before we understand how to improve the candidate’s experience, let’s clarify some basics.

What is Virtual Recruiting?

Virtual recruiting allows employers to reach far beyond their geographic footprint while providing a better and more engaging candidate experience. Also, it opens your recruiting strategy to a much larger, more diverse candidate pool, primarily if you recruit globally.

How does Virtual Recruiting Improve Candidate Experience?

Virtual Recruiting gives candidates more options, making the recruitment process more accessible. Imagine being able to schedule a virtual interview at any time and from anywhere using virtual recruiting platforms like Airmeet, Almond Virtex, Hopin, vFairs, that make your career fairs more engaging and informative and will attract more candidates.

Virtual recruiting events can allow candidates to vent their concerns and hear first-hand from employers why they should choose them to work. This can be especially useful for candidates who have a lot of competing offers and want to know more about an organization before making a decision.

How does Virtual Recruiting Support Diversity and Inclusion?

Recruiting through virtual event platforms can be a more personal and direct experience for a job seeker, meaning they can interact with an employer in several ways. Some of the reasons for which job seekers prefer virtual recruiting are mentioned below:


With virtual recruiting, you can reach diverse candidates even if you’re not in an area with a lot of diversity. This means that you may find more qualified candidates than job opportunities in your area and then reach those candidates with the ease of a video interview via multiple locations.


Virtual hiring events, recruiter sourcing, and online interview tools allow a broader range of people to attend your hiring events and help you avoid delivering a poor candidate experience due to logistical concerns alone.


A virtual hiring event allows you to reach a broader audience, extending more opportunities to a diverse group of people. Choosing the right virtual job fair to put on is a matter of deciding what kind of event will best reach your audience. Consider the size of your network and look at the general population and specific groups you would like to attract.


Candidates with physical disabilities or other constraints may not feel comfortable in roles that are within easy reach. Whether you operate a local or remote business, virtual recruiting events make it easy for all candidates to attend from a space where they feel comfortable and supported.


Candidates need to focus on the interview and not on the environment. Virtual career fairs through virtual conference platforms are an excellent way to connect with a large number of candidates in a confined space and still manage distraction.

Key Takeaways

Virtual recruiting offers several benefits over traditional in-person recruiting events, but virtual interviews are only one part of the equation. Because you’ll be using digital tools to conduct those interviews, there’s an endless opportunity to improve your candidate experience through feedback capture and analysis.

While there’s no doubt that face-to-face interactions can be effective, they are sometimes not as cost-effective or time-efficient as other recruitment channels.

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