The winning strategy for an effective virtual event conference

Hosting a virtual event requires the same attention and care as an in-person event. It is important to define the event strategy, engage the audience, build interaction, promote the event, and prove its success. Here are some do’s and don’ts to transform your virtual event into an engagement-driven experience that extends well beyond the computer screen.

DO’s for effective virtual event conferences:

a. Choose the right virtual event tool:

Leveraging the virtual event conference on the right virtual event platform is the first step toward success. Ensure the platform you choose hosts the event efficiently on the D-day. It should have a strong software platform to handle the registration of attendees. Look for features like email campaign templates to market the event. You can also use it to send automated confirmation emails to registrants. Choose a tool that has an in-built event app. It will help to honor sponsors, poll attendees, and even send push notifications. The platform should accommodate a digital sponsor marketplace to help attendees find relevant services. 

b. Create an agenda for the virtual event:

From preparing the attendees list to creating the event schedule, prepare the conference plan in advance. Note who the key speakers will be, how many breakout sessions you will have, and the number of content tracks in the event. Think of audience engagement tools in advance and choose an event platform that offers live chat options. Prepare questions for surveys and live polls, and plan the rewards. 

c. Personalize the event experience:

Create a personalized event registration path for each type of attendee based on their personas. Personalized event invitations tailor them to suit the invitee, which in turn enhances their chances of attending the event. Virtual event platforms like Virtex, have integrated tools to created targeted invitations for audiences based on their demographics and behavior persona. The platform also delivers interactive sponsor booths and exhibitor zones to deliver personalized experiences. 

d. Spread the word regarding the conference:

It is pivotal to create the buzz around the event to encourage maximum participation. Use the conference marketing strategy and multi-channel approach to reach the full audience. Don’t rely on only email invites to spread the message. Post the event details on the website, and upload event details on social channels. Get speakers and influencers to share event details on their social networks. The virtual event agency you choose should help create the buzz and amplify two-way engagement in social channels like WhatsApp, Messenger, etc. 

e. Have a technical risk mitigation plan:

It is common for virtual conferences to face technical problems. It could range from a microphone going off in the middle of the speech to attendees having trouble logging in to the virtual conference. It is thus important to have a risk curbing plan in place. Have a technical expert at hand and verse yourself with the technical troubleshooting guide. Perform a demo run of the event in advance and try logging in as an attendee. This opens the scope for correcting any problem before the D-day.

Don’ts in organizing a virtual event conference:

Do not ignore the marketing channels. Use event apps, social media channels, and email marketing techniques to spread the virtual conference. Do not forget to test the virtual event platform and all the resources in advance. Test all the tech accessories that will be in use while hosting the event. Never overlook the metrics as the online event platform offers a lot of access to the audience data and lead information.


Choose an expert virtual event platform like Virtex that offers access to the audience data and lead information. These metrics are optimal ways to optimize the brand’s KPIs and KPIs. Virtex will help you organize an expo with highly interactive sponsor booths and exhibitor zones. It makes sure that your event achieves all success and opens up new business venues.  

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