Five Crucial Questions to Ask Yourself Before Planning a Hybrid Event
Virtual events are increasingly becoming popular in post-pandemic times. People have gotten used to and are more openly adopting the idea of remote/flexible working. We are well-equipped with technologies that enable us to build newer software that is propping up daily now, which enhances the virtual experience of collaborating. All said and done, there is still no escaping the need for a physical presence of an event. Unless everyone in the world has access to a phenomenal augmented reality experience, there will be many people who would want to attend the events from the venue. This gives rise to the need to plan a hybrid event, where everyone can either follow the event in person or virtually.
Business events have been going digital for some years now, partly to flaunt their technological prowess. There still are some concerns that one needs to address before considering a hybrid event.
1. Cost-Benefit analysis for the hybrid format of the event?
- Proper budgeting is needed to ascertain whether or not the benefits expected to be accrued out of the event are going to cover the costs.
- The technology and platform that is utilised for such an event matter the most. Choosing the best hybrid event platform such as VIRTEX offers an excellent value for money.
2. What extent of public participation is to be expected from the event?
- If the event requires a lot of participative response from the audience, then there need to be efficient online polls and surveys to facilitate their participation. VIRTEX also provides instant gratification features, along with real-time insights and analytics.
3. What type of sponsorships will be needed for such events?
- Sponsors for hybrid events are sceptical as to the revenue generation through such platforms. The essential factor here is the exhibit experience and the manageability offered to organisers. VIRTEX is known for their feature-rich administrator dashboards.
4. Which will be the most feasible venue for a Hybrid event?
- VIRTEX is digital agnostic which means that it seamlessly caters to the audience on all kinds of devices, making the event highly scalable.
- VIRTEX is the go-to platform for hybrid events in India as they allow digital marketing and social media connectivity straight through their platform with a sophisticated technological back-end.
5. How impactful will the digital event be, given a vast virtual audience?
- The hybrid event needs to provide an immersive experience to the virtual audience due to their colossal proportion.
- VIRTEX being the best hybrid event platform in India, provides features such as roundtables and meeting rooms which enhance the audience’s curiosity for the event.
VIRTEX has entered the hybrid event phase in India to offer a holistic solution to the transitioning events and add value to the targeted virtual audience for better engagement.